2018: New Year, New You

Every year, millions of Americans set out on a journey – the journey of self-improvement. It usually begins around the holiday season as the New Year approaches. Your family dinner conversations turn to what you’ll change in the upcoming year, and you’ll hear relatives be supportive…hopefully. But almost every year, you write that list and say you’ll commit, but by March, the list is gone, motivation is out the window and you never really get back on track. But for some, they actually make it! So how can you follow through on your New Year, New You resolutions?

Be Realistic.

Often times we set unrealistic goals that we have not prepared ourselves for. Losing weight is the number one resolution people commit to every year but fall off. Why? Poor planning. You don’t have to hire a personal chef for every meal or a trainer at the gym, but small changes can be made and become your lifestyle. Instead of buying the cookies you love, how about getting fresh fruit? Remember, it’s a resolution you have to commit to, not a magical wish that’ll do it for you!

Find a Support System.

Okay, so you say “I need to become organized this year.” There’s a good chance Google and Pinterest will help, but you’ll feel overwhelmed. Reach out to a friend who is organized. Friends are willing to help if they know what’s going on! Your friend can show you how they manage their schedule, organize the kid’s room, and will probably share a few mistakes they’ve made to lighten up the mood. So grab a friend and get started!

Stay True to YOU!

A resolution is meant to make you better, not change who you are. If you want to try a new workout class, do it! That new fro-yo shop on the corner? Go for it! Maybe save for a vacation, heck yeah! But whatever you choose, do it because YOU want it. If you pick what you want, and not what everyone’s suggesting, you have a better chance of sticking to your resolution!

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